Kosa kata
- kitchen = dapur
- spoon = sendok
- fork = garpu
- plate = piring
- bowl = mangkok
- stove = kompor
- pan = wajan
- kettle = katel
- knife = pisau
- fridge = kulkas
- trash can = tempat sampah
- sink = tempat cuci piring
- glass = gelas
- rice cooker = penanak nasi
- oven = oven
- dispenser = tempat air minum
- gallon = galon air minum
- broom = sapu
- mop = lap pel
Contoh Kalimat Things in the kitchen
- I cook in the kitchen (aku memasak di dapur)
- I pun my foods on the plate (aku meletakkan makanan di atas piring)
- I cook the rice in the rice cooker (aku memasak nasi di penanak nasi)
- I bake the cookies in the oven (aku memanggang kue keringdi oven)
- I chop the vegetables with the knife (aku memotong sayuran dengan pisau)
- I throw the rubbish into the trash can (aku membuang sampah ke dalam tempat sampah)
- I drink milk from the glass (aku minum susu dari gelas)
- My mother puts vegetable, meat, and egg into the freezer (ibuku meletakkan sayur, daging, dan telur kedalam kulkas)
- I turn on the stove before start cooking (aku menyalakan kompor sebelum mulai memasak)
- I clean the floor with broom and mop (aku membersihkan lantai dengan sapu dan lap pel)
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